What is the Beehive Club?
The Beehive club is a group for 1000 businesses within the Deseret Region. These businesses get exclusive offers and benefits. Along with membership in the Beehive Club businesses make commitments to promote Deseret Units.
A business' membership in the Beehive Club guarantees certain benefits. Here is a list of the benefits your business can receive by joining the Beehive Club.
By joining the Beehive Club you business makes certain commitments. This is a list of the commitments your business makes by joining the Beehive Club.
Joining the Beehive Club is a great way to promote your business and make extra money. To join the Beehive Club either register you business here. Be sure to check the box marked, "Beehive Club Membership".
If you have already registered then just send us an email at dca@deseretregion.com. Tell us that name of your business and that you'd like to join the Beehive Club.