Basic Need
Deseret Units fill a need that affects both individuals and businesses. This need is the movement of money within an economy. Currently one of the major problems with US Dollars is that there are not enough to go around. When people don't have enough money they hoard it and spend it only on vital expenses. The result is a slow economy. Businesses who employ people then can't get the income they need to pay their employees. So the employees don't have enough money to pay for things. This means businesses get even less income. The results of this are seen all around us; businesses having to close their doors, people losing their jobs.
Deseret Units work by providing additional units of currency to circulate in the local economy. They provide people with money to spend. When people spend Deseret Units they provide additional income for businesses. The Businesses can then have greater success and create more jobs. These jobs in turn provide people with income. Deseret Units provide a medium for the average person to make ends meet in these trying times. They also provide a way for local businesses to stay alive and grow.
How it Starts
Deseret Units are set at a certain value. When businesses register to accept Units it provides a place for Units to be exchanged for goods and services. Local businesses who accept Units are vital to the success of this program.
Individuals who accept and use Deseret Units are also vital. They are the ones who spend Units at the businesses.
Life of a Deseret Unit
A Deseret Unit begins its life when a person comes to our website and purchases the Unit. In some cases there are special deals and discounts which allow people to get more units per dollar than they normally would.
The Unit is then sent to the person who purchased it.
The person who has the Unit takes it to the store and uses it to purchase something they want.
Now the business owner has lost one product but has gained a Unit. The business owner can use the Unit to their advantage too.
They could use the Unit to pay part of their employee's wages, putting the Unit back in the hands of the people.
Or they could use the Unit to pay part of their own salary, also putting it back in the hands of the people.
Or they could spend the Unit at another business to purchase something they need to help their business grow.
And so the Unit gets circulated around and around in the economy helping to facilitate transactions.
Because the Deseret Unit is a local currency it cannot be accepted outside the Deseret Region.
But this means that it stays in our local economy and gets circulated here, helping us.
US Dollars usually get spent at big businesses and then get sent to rich business owners outside our region.
Deseret Units are a local currency helping to build a strong local economy. They help both individuals and businesses to be financially successful and independent.
Start getting Deseret Units to help you; purchase some Units or register your business to accept Units.
Get an account and start trading with units. Find out the many ways you can use Deseret Units!
The Beehive club is an exclusive group for businesses. Come learn how your business can benefit.