We are working to integrate the Deseret units Online Bank with this website. The result will be a single website that will have all the functionality you need for making Deseret units work for you.
We would like to welcome Ellis Tuning & Repair to our business directory.
Deseret Units will now be backed by silver. This will enhance the strength of Deseret Units by backing them with a precious metal. Anyone with Units will be able to exchange them for the silver they represent.
Email: dca@deseretregion.com
The Deseret Currency Association is an organization that promotes the establishment of a complimentary local currency for the Deseret Region. This currency known as the Deseret Unit is a successful system to help boost the local and regional economy. If you are new to the idea of the Deseret Unit, explore our website to learn how this currency can help you in meeting your financial needs and increasing your personal wealth.
Purchase some Deseret units to get you started on your way to a more stable financial future.
The Deseret Unit is also a great tool for helping businesses grow. It can give your business the competitive edge you need in today's difficult market.
Sign-up your business to get discounts on your purchase of Deseret Units and to get free listing and advertisement in both our Deseret Region Business Directory and our Deseret Units Directory. You will also receive business tools to help your business get started using Deseret Units.
The purchase rate of the Deseret Unit is:
Twenty US dollars for one Unit
Get an account and start trading with units. Find out the many ways you can use Deseret Units!
The Beehive club is an exclusive group for businesses. Come learn how your business can benefit.